The main objective of this activity is to create an awareness, in particular at a EU level, about the importance of the activities performed within the INTEGREEN project, with the intention of:
- promote the culture of a more integrated approach toward the environmental management of traffic;
- increase continuity and permanence of project’s results in the long period;
- increase local actors’ presence in EU networks dealing with the challenges of urban environment protection and sustainable transport;
- provide the project a transnational approach and scope and create new opportunities for new international projects.
This Action is organized in three different Tasks:
Task 7.1 EU networks approaching, which has managed to enter in contact with reference EU networks (for example, CIVITAS), and European initiative, starting from LIFE+ ones, which work on similar topics dealt by INTEGREEN;
Task 7.2 Experiences and best-practice exchange, which has created an active best-practice exchange with other European urban areas which have already experimented solutions which are similar and/or complementary to INTEGREEN;
Task 7.3 EU networks active involvement, which have actively disseminated INTEGREEN activities and results in EU events, conferences, workshops, etc. and through dedicated networking sessions.