
In this section you can find more information about all the prototypes that are currently under development.

Bluetooth travel time monitoring

The INTEGREEN project is investigating ITS systems capable to monitor vehicular travel times on a real-time mode. One of the most widespread approaches relies on the idea to detect Bluetooth signals of in-car devices in several points of a road network, and identify matches between them. This system is based on road side units that detect on-board Bluetooth devices. [Read more]

Real-time parking information

The Traffic Management Center of the City of Bolzano has at this disposal different sets of real-time travel information. One of this data is related to the availability of free parking slots in the main parking areas of the city. The project is investigating first simple traveler information services, which avail of dedicated web-services in order to put at disposal this information to service providers and final users. [Read more]

Real-time parking information widget

The real-time parking data are currently available even in form of a widget, which can be integrated in a simple manner in any Internet site.

The application prototipes presented in this section are still in a testing phase and some functionalities need futher development and validation activities before being considered fully reliable.