The main objective of this activity is to create an awareness, in particular at a local level, about the importance of the activities implemented within the INTEGREEN project. The reference target of this action is in particular:
- the local traveler, including tourists. The INTEGREEN project aims to create the basis for more environmental-aware movements in the area of interest of the project, in a perspective of informed, intelligent and multi-modal mobility;
- the local stakeholders. The INTEGREEN project aims in particular to:
- guarantee the adoption of more integrated policies for the protection of urban environment, taking in consideration not only the traffic factor, but also aspects like energy efficiency and sustainable buildings;
- have a scientific support in the correlation analysis of environmental and traffic data;
- create joint actions and initiatives for the awareness of local travelers;
- identify and define various exploitation means of the INTEGREEN system after the project’s end.
This Action is organized in three different Tasks:
Task 6.1 Informative channels activation and dissemination, which has activated and maintained different informative channels concerning the project, and which has included the organization and realization of different workshops;
Task 6.2 Local population behavior influence, which has prepared and carried out different educational activities targeted to the local traveler;
Task 6.3 Stakeholder involvement, which has managed to create and maintain different working groups with various interested local parties at regional level.