February 2014
Plenary meeting and networking event – 12th-14th of February, 2014
On February 12th -14th, 2014 the first field component test sessions campaign have been carried out. More specifically, mobile traffic and air quality measurements have been taken through a first prototype of the INTEGREEN mobile system installed on board of a test vehicle. A special On-Board Unit (OBU) has been developed in the last months by using a set of low cost sensors. Thanks to this OBU it is possible not only to collect distributed data about air quality but also to evaluate traffic conditions through an analysis of the car dynamics data (e.g. speed, acceleration, position, etc. ). This technology has been tested for the first time on the roads of the city of Bolzano.
The test sessions have been performed by of TIS innovation park, Municipality of Bolzano, Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and two local companies involved in the project (CISMA and R3GIS). All project partner and companies involved met at TIS innovation park in order to evaluate the results of the activities, work on the actual configuration of the system and plan the activities foreseen for the next months.
During the first day the working group was divided in two different teams. The first team was responsible to carry out the field tests and test the OBU in different use cases (e.g. in the normal city traffic, in the highway, in urban and rural tunnels, in correspondance of the fixed air quality monitor stations owned by the Local Agency for the Environment, etc.). The goal of this test was both to evaluate the behavior of the entire data workflow (from the data sensed by the on-board instruments to the information published by the server side components) and to verify the accuracy and reliability of the collected data. At the same time the other team worked on the server infrastructure in charge of receiving, elaborating and visualizing the collected data.
During the second day of meetings the group analyzed the results that emerged during the first day of test. Within this session the group identified some problems and some possible solution to the issues found out during the field trials. This work was enriched by the possibility to compare the mobile measurements with the official data gathered by the fixed measurement stations, which was kindly provided by the Local Agency for the Environment Protection (APPA).
The second day concluded through a networking event that allowed the project partners to share the status of the project with some local stakeholders who have already expressed a high interest in the project and in the possibility to be part of its validation phase (e.g. APPA, Business Location South Tyrol, Car Sharing South Tyrol, EURAC, Free University of Bolzano).
The third and last day of meetings was dedicated to the administrative session restricted only to the partner of the project. During this session has been done an analysis of the project status and a plan of the activities that has to be carried out during the last year of the project.