Third and last workshop

February 2015

What kind of effects can current and future intelligent transportation systems determine in order to reduce negative impacts generated by urban traffic? What kind of approaches, technologies and models should one consider in order to enable an integrated monitoring of traffic and air pollution conditions? And what impacts were determined by some of the recent mobility measures introduced by the Municipality of Bolzano?

These and other topics will be the focus of the third and last project workshop, which will take place in Bolzano on February 26th, 2:00 PM in the historical municipal hall. The event aims to be an occasion for presenting the main project's results, but in particular for discussing these issues with local stakeholders and put the preconditions for encouraging the diffusion of traffic policies that can be more and more efficient from an environmental point of view.

The event is mainly destined to public administrations, vehicles' fleets managers, mobility and traffic managers, IT companies, engineering companies, research institutes and more generally all private and public entities that are active in the traffic and/or air pollution sector.

Workshop agenda (in Italian language only)


  1. Il nuovo sistema statico di monitoraggio del traffico e dell'inquinamento dell'aria della città di Bolzano, Brunella Franchini, Comune di Bolzano - [slide]
  2. Il sistema sperimentale per la misurazione di mobilità di traffico e inquinamento dell'aria, Reinhard Kloibhofer, Austrian Institute of Technology [slide]
  3. Calcolare i tempi di percorrenza veicolari in modo non invasivo con tecnologia Bluetooth, Paolo Valleri, TIS innovation park - [slide]
  4. Il modello per la stima in tempo reale delle emissioni veicolari e della loro dispersione nell'ambiente, Gianluca Antonacci, CISMA - [slide]
  5. Gestire grandi quantità di dati con strumenti GIS aperti: l'applicazione di al mondo ITS, Paolo Viskanic, R3GIS - [slide]
  6. Conoscere in tempo reale la posizione degli autobus a Bolzano, Markus Windegger, SASA - [slide]
  7. Come usare i dati per sviluppare una nuova generazione di servizi al cittadino, Andrea Cima, Made in Cima - [slide]
  8. Il progetto INTEGREEN: i risultati, le esperienze maturate e le prospettive future, Roberto Cavaliere, TIS innovation park - [slide]